Wednesday, March 31, 2010


In 2007, Deborah and I had the opportunity to visit Israel.  Our time in Jerusalem took us to the hill called Golgotha (the Skull) where Jesus was crucified - and to the Garden Tomb where he was buried.

The most moving moment for me was ducking through the low door and stepping into the ante-chamber of the tomb that was hewn out of the rock.  I stood and looked at the two grave there, one of which had been occupied by Jesus - for a time.

In that moment - time became suspended.  It seemed as though I had been transported back some 2000 years.  Easter was never more real to me than then.

The tomb is identified by an enormous crack in the rock face - believed to have been caused by an earthquake - and ancient crosses have been carved in the stone indicating that it was considered a holy place for centuries.  What makes it real for you?

I would like to invite you to worship on Easter Sunday at Chiltonville Cong'l Church.  Together we will enter more deeply into the reality of Easter - a reality that still confounds the world and transforms the hearts of those who follow in faith.

Worship is at 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. - with coffee hour in between.

Yours in the Joy of Easter --- Pastor Bill Fillebrown

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Day After Thanksgiving

Yesterday was a great day...
I took part in Pilgrim Progress in the morning.  It is always a joy to be a part of living history.
We ate after 5:00 p.m., so it gave us the afternoon to prepare.  It was not as hectic as years past.  We may be on to something.

We are thankful for family.  My mother & my brother were with us.  Deborah put on a terrific meal...

We especially thankful for Julian Thomas Fillebrown - born November 17, 2009.  8 lbs. 14 oz.
He is beautiful - of course ---  you'd almost like to reach into the picture and squeeze his pudgy cheeks.

God is good...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Our new church year is under way and I'd like to make a more concerted effort to get our ONLINE DISCIPLESHIP CLASS up to speed. Today I emailed the next lesson - which focuses on the apostle Paul and his caring heart and his gift as an encourager of others. Who has encouraged you in your life? - in your walk of faith? How did they do it? Who have you encouraged? Has it always succeeded? Why or why not? Together... forward... in the Joy that is Christ!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's Wednesday - which means I am finishing up this week's bulletin, the bulletin insert, and the Mini-News Brief for this week as well... All are crucial ways to communicate as a church family.
But I'm a little "informationed-out"...

Middle School kids have their first face-to-face class this week with Mr. Barry at the helm... High schoolers are STRONGLY encouraged to enter into the experience of worship - seeing it as a part of their overall development in discipleship.

Also - I am a bit challenged technically - so I would ask that you connect with Mrs. Allen to get a better idea how to write comments about our Online Discipleship Classes....

More later.... pax......

Monday, September 21, 2009

Today is a BIG day!!!!! I have emailed the first online lesson to the kids and parents at CCC. We will only be as good as the extent to which everyone gets involved...

The first lesson deals with developing character through victory and defeat - looking at the life of the disciple Peter. Peter is great because he is so genuine and honest...

If you'd like a copy of the lesson material, contact me and I will see that you are added to the list.

More later....

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The second picture on this blog site is from Athens, Greece. Deborah and I were there a few years ago and enjoyed it immensely! In the picture I am standing on Mars Hill (Acts 17) the site of the Aereapogas - a gathering point for philosophers and others who discussed and debated ideas. This is the place where Paul spoke about the Grecian statue to "the Unknown God" and used it as an opportunity to speak of the reality of Christ. The Acropolis, the epitome of Greek cultural and political power, is immediately in the background. Could there have been any more poignant place for Paul to have said what he did? What's amazing is that Mars Hill is not designated on any of the tourist maps in Athens. It's displayed as an elevated area on the maps. But the plaques make it very clear what this hill is and what it represents. In the picture, my Bible is opened to Acts 17. I found this to be one of the most moving personal experiences of our trip.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The picture of the flowers is from the front steps of Chiltonville Cong'l Church. They seeded themselves from the flower pots on the steps and came up this past Spring. It was amazing to see the flowers come up - working against such incredible odds - the weather, the pavement, the tiny crack between the steps and the ground.

THOUGHT: So much of what we do in ministry is so much "seed-planting". Our task is to plant the seeds (as in the parable of the Sower), but it is God's job to cause those seeds to grow. But it all requires faithfulness on OUR part in the planting of seed.

It's hard... Often we plant seeds and they seem to do nothing - for a long, long time. It's hard to be faithful when we have nothing to show for our efforts. All-the-same --- there is ALWAYS more going on than what we can see. God is working in ways greater than we can imagine or know - working his will and way in the world...

As our new church year begins this month, let's take heart, do our part, and trust God to bring the growth that will result in the fruit that He desires (see John 15:1-8)...

faithfully forward -- ><> Pastor Bill Fillebrown