Wednesday, March 31, 2010


In 2007, Deborah and I had the opportunity to visit Israel.  Our time in Jerusalem took us to the hill called Golgotha (the Skull) where Jesus was crucified - and to the Garden Tomb where he was buried.

The most moving moment for me was ducking through the low door and stepping into the ante-chamber of the tomb that was hewn out of the rock.  I stood and looked at the two grave there, one of which had been occupied by Jesus - for a time.

In that moment - time became suspended.  It seemed as though I had been transported back some 2000 years.  Easter was never more real to me than then.

The tomb is identified by an enormous crack in the rock face - believed to have been caused by an earthquake - and ancient crosses have been carved in the stone indicating that it was considered a holy place for centuries.  What makes it real for you?

I would like to invite you to worship on Easter Sunday at Chiltonville Cong'l Church.  Together we will enter more deeply into the reality of Easter - a reality that still confounds the world and transforms the hearts of those who follow in faith.

Worship is at 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. - with coffee hour in between.

Yours in the Joy of Easter --- Pastor Bill Fillebrown

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